World Population Growth 1950 - 2050

This page shows the population growth for the largest cities in the world from 1950 to 2050 (estimated). The size of the area on the map reflects the size of the specific city. The table on the right shows the largest cities at the specified time. For more information on how this was created look on You can increase the rotate speed left by using 'a' and to the right by using 's'. If you press 'p' the globe will stop rotating. To restart the animation from the beginning just refresh the page. To view this animation you need a modern browser. This was tested using the latest versions of firefox, chrome and opera.
Year: 1950
This map is based on open data. The earth map is based on a download from the Nasa Earth observatory. The population growth information was downloaded from Nordpil. They provide a nice downloadable package based on information from the UN. This visualization was mainly created using Three.js and some canvas animations.